Our vast data set has everything you need to stay up to date and informed. Purchase a subscription today to browse Boxoffice Data, Tour Histories, Artist Details, Company Directories and more!
Global Live Boxoffice is the latest from Pollstar's continuously updated database within the past 30 days.
Global Live Boxoffice is the latest from Pollstar's continuously updated database within the past 30 days.
Pollstar Data Cloud, part of the Ultimate Subscription package, allows subscribers to search, view, filter and build custom reports based on our industry leading concert Boxoffice and Route Book data from shows performed from 1999-present. Pollstar Data Cloud also unlocks Pollstar's extensive Live Entertainment Industry Contact database.
Pollstar Data Cloud, part of the Ultimate Subscription package, allows subscribers to search, view, filter and build custom reports based on our industry leading concert Boxoffice and Route Book data from shows performed from 1999-present. Pollstar Data Cloud also unlocks Pollstar's extensive Live Entertainment Industry Contact database.
Tour Histories give a distinct advantage in the modern concert marketplace, providing data and leverage in negotiating deals.
Tour Histories give a distinct advantage in the modern concert marketplace, providing data and leverage in negotiating deals.
Looking for an artist to fill your venue? The Artist Availability Tool can help you find artists that would be a good match for your location, based on genre, past crowd sizes, ticket sales and box office revenue.
Looking for an artist to fill your venue? The Artist Availability Tool can help you find artists that would be a good match for your location, based on genre, past crowd sizes, ticket sales and box office revenue.
Use the Venue Availability Tool to find open venues for your artists.
Use the Venue Availability Tool to find open venues for your artists.
Use the Company Directory to find companies that match a specific set of criteria.
Use the Company Directory to find companies that match a specific set of criteria.